
CAHN health hours have been delivered every Saturday since May 2020 and reached thousands of people on Zoom, facebook and YouTube. Our programme developed in response to the ‘Stay at home’ directive where CAHN could no longer go into churches and community spaces to reach our communities with health education and screening activities.

Download Press Release here

This programme reflects our goals






The CATHIP Health Hour sessions on Saturday mornings use medical consultants, GPs and other professionals such as nurses and pharmacists to engage community members providing information about prevention, management, and treatment. The programme also bring into panel discussions others that are important influencers of health such as faith leaders.

CAHN’s model of user engagement has been used to develop the Caribbean African Targeted Health Improvement Programme (CATHIP) which is aimed at the Black community.

This programme focuses upon those areas where there are significant risks to health.

CATHIP is a collaborative educative and empowering health literacy programme that reaches people where they are to enable them to take control of their health and to support others. We are working with our partners

How the programme works

All CATHIP partners have a health & wellbeing focus and support the Caribbean & African community in dealing with the disproportionate impact of health problems.

Thousands of people have enhanced their knowledge through the health hours so far, we are reaching more people and this is what some of our attendees have told us since CATHIP

Join the CATHIP Health Hour on Saturday mornings 11:00-12:15hrs 

Join via Zoom- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84516756373


Meeting ID: 845 1675 6373

One tap mobile +442034815240,84516756373#


Join via YouTube and Facebook –