
Black Health Inequalities Summit

Black Health Inequalities Summit 2024

CAHN as the delivery partner to the London inspire Programme is delighted to share a recap of the successful Black Health Inequalities Summit held on 25th March , 2024. This event brought together stakeholders, healthcare professionals, community leaders, researchers, and advocates to explore community-based approaches and collaborations within health systems.

Morning Workshops – Health Conditions/Wellbeing Issues

  • Cardiovascular Disease – Hypertension
  • Food Insecurity
  • Immunisation and Screening
  • Sickle Cell
  • Maternal and Neonatal Health
  • Mental Health – Young People

Afternoon workshops – Action-based

  • Funding Black-led Community Health & Wellbeing Projects and Initiatives
  • Community Health Approaches – increasing engagement with Black Led organisations
  • VCSE and Integrated Care Boards and Collaborations
  • Core20PLUS5 Approach to Reducing Black Health Inequalities
  • Black Health Manifesto – Women, Men, Children & Young People
  • Improvements & Expansion of Black-led Health & Well-being Initiatives


Two powerful plenary sessions were held:

  1. System and Cross-Sector Collaboration
  2. Creating Sustainable Change in Black Health


Keynote Speakers Included:

  • Prof Bola Owolabi, GP and Director, National Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme, NHS England
  • Prof Kevin Fenton CBE, Public Health Director for London, and President of Faculty of Public Health
  • Dr Margaret Ikpoh, GP and Vice Chair, Royal Society of General Physicians
  • Prof Habib Naqvi OBE, Chief Executive, NHS Race and Health Observatory

Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to the success of this event.